Improving Site Speed on WordPress Blogs


Slow sites are bad for users and can cause them to bounce. These are some tips for speeding up WordPress sites.

Use a CDN

Using a CDN can help protect your site as well as speeding it up. They deliver your content based on the users location in order to send them the data as quickly as possible. They also help block malicious crawlers and bots. Cloudflare is a great free option for blogs.

Compress Images

Compressing images cuts down the size of resources a user has to download without lowering the quality of the images users see. There are WordPress plugins that will do this for you such as ShortPixel.

Prevent Scripts From Slowing the Site

Third party scripts are often used for ads, pop ups, and other things. Many of these are important for revenue and conversions. First you should look at the scripts and plugins you are using and get rid of any that aren’t effective. Next you should use a speed testing site like Pingdom to review your remaining scripts to see if they are slowing the site down. Any offenders you can look at replacing.

Use a Caching Plugin

Caching can speed up your site by saving a static copy of it. There are a number of plugin options such as WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache.

Disable Unused Plugins

If you’re not using it anymore get rid of it. You should also make sure all plugins are up to date.

Speed Up Other Media

Not all media will be local to your site. If you’re using YouTube or Twitter embeds or infographics from other sites these can be slow. Plugins like BJ Lazy Load can help speed things up by making sure that these things don’t block the rendering of the page. Basically, text content and your layout will load before media content.